Gaiters and poles were necessary for the speed climb down as the loose gravel and slippery mud made a few of us hit the ground…feet flying.., all this while discarding layers of clothes. Later in the evening we enjoyed our last dinner on the mountain and well earned sleep. Chef Bruno even had wine served.
it was a somber night, quite a few tears, quite a few laughs, many, many hugs. As we lay in our tents, quieter than usual, I smiled as we said “good night john-boy” to each other.
After breakfast we continued our decent through the rainforest towards the gate. I did not want this journey to end. I took Freddie’s face in my hands and thanked him through tears for keeping me alive, lifting me up when needed, taking my hand in his as we made each day’s end, giving Bibi61 many “one more minutes”, for laughing through the “that’s a good rock Bib61 and most of all his greatest respect for the mountain, family and now Bibi61 and Babu.
Team Fox started this journey together…… It was important to each of us that we do whatever necessary to finish together and we did. Coming out the rainforest together solidified the bond that the mountain had worked it mystical magic….it made us better people, it changed our lives. We all looked at life below the clouds differently. The mountain now requires us to be kind and change the lives of others.